Sunday, 13 March 2011


Two updates in a month, whatever next – a finished unit!  Well that is in fact what has happened, the gunner featured in the last few entries has been completed.  The rammer was painted using a base coat of Vallejo German C Black (822) a very dark brown, a highlight of Vallejo Beige Brown (875) and a final highlight of Vallejo Light Brown (929).  For the flesh I like to use the Foundry three colour flesh pallet which I have found to be very effective. The buttons, sword scabbard, sword hilt and belt buckles were all painted using Vallejo Gold (996).
The remaining figures of the Battery were all painted using the same technique and based up on 60mm x 70mm MDF bases for my prefered rule system - General De Brigade. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2011


It’s been a while since I added a progress update on this figure, that’s not to say that I haven’t been adding any more paint to the figure more the light wasn’t right to take any photographs that I would be happy with, I’m still not overly happy but I want to get him finished so he can join the remainder of the crew for the Battery.  I have now finished off the cross and sword belt bay adding a coat of the same colours as the base coat only this time with more White, (951) than Raw Umber, this was followed by a final coat of pure White.  I have also painted the cuffs, turnbacks, busby bag and the piping to the collar and lapels. The same colours are also used for the tassels on the sword knot and the aglet, Base coat of Vallejo Black Red (859) followed by Vallejo Red (947) and finished off with Vallejo Scarlet (817).  I have also gone back over the buttons with a spot off Vallejo Black (950) as a base for the Gold that will be added when I finish of the figure.