The picture below is of one of the figures, a gunner holding a rammer so I thought I would produce a guide to how I painted up this figure and will finish with the whole unit.
Once I have cleaned up the figure, I undercoated the figure black. I tend to use a black undercoat for all of my figures.
The next step was a base coat for the tunic and parts of the breaches, the breaches have black leather inserts. I use Foundry French Blue 65A – Shade as my first coat, followed by Foundry French Blue 65B and finished off with Foundry French Blue 65C. The leather inserts are painted Vallejo Black (950) as a base coat, followed by Vallejo Black Grey (862) and finished off with Vallejo Neutral Grey (992). The same three colours are used for the fur on the busby, the riding boots and the cartridge box. The sword belts and cartridge box belts have also received their base coat a mix of Vallejo White (951) and Windsor and Newton Raw Umber, I must admit it does look horrible when you mix it up but I do find it works very well as a shade colour for white.