Sunday, 12 December 2010


My first exposure to Napoleonic Wargaming was when I read a book my Bruce Quarrie, Napoleonic Campaigns in Miniature. It was what inspired me to start gaming and collecting Napoleonic figures. Within the book Bruce talks about building up an army from the base upwards, a Line Infantry Battalion, a Squadron of Cavalry a Gun or a battery. He recomended not to go straight in trying to paint the Guard, as after a few years your Line infantry will look better than your Guard. I have always remembered this nugget of advice when constructing my armies, hence it is only in the last year that I have started to build up some Guard units to go with the Infantry and Cavalry Corps of the line that I have.
On my last entry I mentioned finally completing a Battalion of Young Guard infantry. They were not the first unit of the Guard I have painted first up were two Squadrons of Guard Chasseur a’ Cheval painted for the Essling game.

Second was a Battalion of Middle Guard, Fusilier-Grenadiers, also for the Essling Game. The remaining units of the Guard were provided by DDWG club members. Following the process outlined above the next element of the Guard to be worked on is Artillery, but more of that in the future.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Young Guard – Finished a Battalion at last!

I have found myself a little bit remiss in doing anything on here, probably because life has just been so busy over the last six months. I have found little or no time for gaming but fortunately a bit more for painting. I find It’s a therapy thing, painting that is, even so productivity has been slow. I have finally managed to finish my first Young Guard battalion, Front Rank Miniatures, a nice set of figures with plenty of area for paint and a lot of detail. All in all they came out quite nice.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

DDWG Napoleonic Game 2010 - Essling

The Devizes & District Wargames Group (DDWG for short) held it's annual Napoleonic weekend game over the 15-16 May 2010. The game for this year is as per the title - Essling using Dave Brown's General de Brigade Rules, Big battalions!. The game covered the central part of the Aspern-Essling battlefield, Essling Village and beyond towards Gross Enzersdorf. Two tables were used each being 10' x 6' giving us a playing area of 12' x 10', into this space we crammed over 2500 Infantry figures, 500 Cavalry figures and 66 Guns with crews, all in 25/28mm.